Thursday, July 19, 2012

QR Code Generator

Last week I had the opportunity to work with some tremendous educators from across New Hampshire at EdTechTeam's -  NH Google Bootcamp.  I had a ton of fun working with Richard Byrne, Alice Barr and Allison Mollica throughout the week.

One of the tips that Richard shared was using the URL shortner One of the handy features of that service is that it automatically creates a QR Code for the site

This got me thinking about other ways to accomplish this and how to easily generate QR Codes that others can use.  So I put together a Google Form QR Code Generator.  

You can copy and paste addresses into the form, refresh the page and see the results below. The QR image can then be downloaded and shared.

You can check out an example of what it would look like embedded into a site here:

If you are looking for more specific info on how to work with Google's Chart tools here: